This Article Has Been Medically Approved By

Dr. George H. Sanders

It is common for men and women to visit a plastic surgeon requesting a particular body type. One example is the request for a “ballet body,” resembling the lean and graceful form of a skilled dancer.

Can plastic surgery provide the features associated with a ballet body? Before embarking on a path toward clinical intervention, it is important to be clear-headed about what plastic surgery can and cannot achieve.

What Is a Ballet Body?

To start, defining what a ballet body actually looks like may be helpful.

If you observe the form of a ballerina or speak to a ballet expert, your attention might be drawn to features such as a small waist, shoulders not too broad, and hips not too wide. Other features commonly associated with a ballet body include a small head, a long neck, and long legs.

Can Plastic Surgery Give You a Ballet Body?

While some of these features can be enhanced with plastic surgery, it is crucial to note that there are limits to what plastic surgery can accomplish. Having realistic expectations is essential for anyone seeking to augment their body via surgical intervention.

With that said, what steps can a plastic surgeon take to provide the features of a ballet body?

  • Breast augmentation is a natural option for patients who are very flat in the chest area and desire better balance to their overall look. Small implants and/or a fat transfer can provide notable results.
  • If the breasts are too droopy or lack a youthful or athletic appearance, a breast lift might be on the table.
  • There are also surgical options to address excess fat around the hips, thighs, or knees, such as liposuction.
  • A body lift can be performed to ensure tightening for loose skin, including around the abdominal region, the thigh, or the hip.

These procedures represent the limit of what plastic surgery can do to create a ballerina body. These treatments will not be sufficient to achieve a transformational result for a patient who in no way resembled a ballerina before surgery. However, while plastic surgery cannot provide the perfection that some patients might ask for, it can undoubtedly offer movement in the right direction.

Explore Your Options for Plastic Surgery

As you consider using plastic surgery to achieve a desired outcome, it is important to speak directly with an experienced plastic surgeon. Dr. George H. Sanders is board-certified and has four decades of experience helping patients achieve their desired appearance. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Sanders, contact our practice in Encino by calling (818) 981-3333.